Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Middle Brother.

I have two younger brothers. This is the middle one. For Chrisrtmas and New Year, We had ice cream, watched a movie and dinner together at one of the great mall, called Central Bangna. It was a happy and fun time! We hadn't spent time together like this for a long time, because our time never match. So, I'm happy to share this to you.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Please Pray for Thailand.

Now, more than fifty provinces in Thailand has been flooding. Please pray for us! All the houses, rice fields and everything are under the water. The people is suffering right now, no food and clean water to eat and drink. Some provinces are under the water allmost two months, the water hasn't go down yet. Even more the water will go up this week. So scared!

Monday, 23 May 2011

English Farewell Party

When you read my blog, you have to read from the bottom.:)

This two boys, they're not leaving, they're staying(good). they came to the party to do the skit for us.

We are the teachers, Katie, Me and Carolyn. I have to say good-bye to them too, because they have to go back to their homes.

I hate saying good-bye to people, especailly the people that I had the good relationship with. These kids and adults in the pictures that i'm going to show, they are my people that i'm talking about.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

I Love Roses!

I love.....roses so much!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Last, Sunday Mary, Melanie, Katie, P' Kieow, Grace, Carolyn, Pop and I, we were celebreting Valentine's day together at our house. we played a game, called something like: what are you scared of that somebody else might think is silly or irrational fear. It was an interesting game to play but it was good because this game help us got to know each other better. And than we ate dinner together and after that we watched a movie together. the movie called "the center stage, turn it up". the movie is about dancing,right. after the movie we danced, It was supper funnn! So We had a great time!

Monday, 7 February 2011


I just went to my friend form school's wedding, last Saturday. We study at the same class. So It was good that I got a chance to go to this wedding. The wedding was beautiful to see. Everyone was happy and joyfull. I like that. And next month, I will go to another wedding too! It is my friend from school. Wow! I am jealous on them! and that means I have to find another dress wear to the wedding....:)

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Christmas Party for Women at Church!

We had an early Christmas for Women group at Church last week. It's was fun and a blessing to all of us and we had a good time to meditate in our lives, about how God loves us so much that He sent His only son for us, to set us free from our sins. It's joyfull! and we played some games, ate some food, sang some songs and celebrated together.